
Author: Bruce Liu Posted on: 2020-11-16 21:18:46 Visited: 1006

Edge Expander边缘扩展器就像最底层的交换机。

Fanout Expander输出扩展器,就是连接底层交换机的路由器或者有路由功能的三层交换机

SAS的Expander分为两种,即输出扩展器(Fan-out Expander)和边缘扩展器(Edge Expander):一个SAS域只能有一个输出扩展器,它可以随意连接边缘扩展器;一个边缘扩展器只能连接到一个输出扩展器上(前者将后者当作主机),而在没有输出扩展器的情况下最多仅允许两个边缘扩展器互连;在不超过Phy数目上限的前提下,扩展器可以随意连接发起者/目标设备。如果将边缘扩展器比作以太网或FC SAN中的交换机,那么输出扩展器就是以太网中的路由器或FC SAN中的导向器。


In the SAS topology there are two types of expanders: Fan-out and Edge. The server-attached storage market will typically use edge expanders, which can address up to 128 SAS addresses or drives in a segment. When a fan-out expander is incorporated into the architecture, up to 128 segments can exist within a SAS domain, which allows SAS to address up to 16,384 SAS physical links (PHY). Compared to the parallel SCSI limit of 15 devices, SAS storage topologies can support large, enterprise-class applications.

expander sas





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