00-02-04 (hex)Bodmann Industries Elektronik GmbH |
000204 (base 16)Bodmann Industries Elektronik GmbH |
Messerschmittring 33 |
DE |
00-02-29 (hex)Adtec Corporation |
000229 (base 16)Adtec Corporation |
3F Megurohigashiyama Blg |
JP |
00-02-2D (hex)Agere Systems |
00022D (base 16)Agere Systems |
P.O. Box 755 |
NL |
00-02-26 (hex)XESystems, Inc. |
000226 (base 16)XESystems, Inc. |
317 Main Street |
East Rochester NY 14445 |
US |
00-02-25 (hex)One Stop Systems |
000225 (base 16)One Stop Systems |
2235 Enterprise Street |
Escondido CA 92029 |
US |
00-02-11 (hex)Nature Worldwide Technology Corp. |
000211 (base 16)Nature Worldwide Technology Corp. |
No. 1, Min-Chuan Street |
Taiwan Taiwan R.O.C. |
TW |
00-02-12 (hex)SierraCom |
000212 (base 16)SierraCom |
99 South Street |
Hopkinton Ma 01748 |
US |
00-02-17 (hex)Cisco Systems, Inc |
000217 (base 16)Cisco Systems, Inc |
80 West Tasman Drive |
San Jose CA 94568 |
US |
00-01-7A (hex)Chengdu Maipu Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. |
00017A (base 16)Chengdu Maipu Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. |
P.R. |
CN |
00-02-38 (hex)Serome Technology, Inc. |
000238 (base 16)Serome Technology, Inc. |
555-14, Baekang B/D 7F |
Seoul Korea 135-120 |
KR |
00-02-69 (hex)Nadatel Co., Ltd |
000269 (base 16)Nadatel Co., Ltd |
9F CoWell Bldg, 66-1 Banpo-Dong |
KOREA 137-040 |
KR |
00-02-64 (hex)AudioRamp.com |
000264 (base 16)AudioRamp.com |
15941 Red Hill Suite 205 |
Tustin CA 92780 |
US |
00-02-55 (hex)IBM Corp |
000255 (base 16)IBM Corp |
3039 E Cornwallis Road |
Research Triangle Park NC 27709-2195 |
US |
00-02-52 (hex)Carrier Corporation |
000252 (base 16)Carrier Corporation |
One Carrier Place |
Farmington CT 06034-4015 |
US |
00-02-20 (hex)CANON FINETECH INC. |
000220 (base 16)CANON FINETECH INC. |
717, Yaguchi, Misato-shi, |
Saitama 341-8527 |
JP |
00-02-0D (hex)Micronpc.com |
00020D (base 16)Micronpc.com |
900 E. Karcher Rd. |
Nampa IA 83687 |
US |
00-01-D4 (hex)Leisure Time, Inc. |
0001D4 (base 16)Leisure Time, Inc. |
4258 Communications Drive |
Norcross GA 30093 |
US |
00-01-DD (hex)Avail Networks |
0001DD (base 16)Avail Networks |
305 E. Eisenhower Parkway |
Ann Arbor MI 48108 |
US |
00-01-D5 (hex)HAEDONG INFO & COMM CO., LTD |
0001D5 (base 16)HAEDONG INFO & COMM CO., LTD |
#801 The Corporation Center for Universi |
Taejeon Republic of Korea 305 |
KR |
00-01-D7 (hex)F5 Networks, Inc. |
0001D7 (base 16)F5 Networks, Inc. |
1322 N. Whitman Lane |
Liberty Lake WA 99019 |
US |